
The Metaverse is an ever-evolving concept, and we are still very much in its infancy. As such, it is difficult to define what the perfect Metaverse will be, but one proposal is that it involves one seamless gaming and in the future, extended reality experiences, with thousands of destinations. Everything is interoperable and interchangeable, where users move seamlessly between experiences and digital assets have a wide range of utility value.

For now, this remains an aggressive opportunity. It is more likely that there will be several Metaverses, some will be interoperable while others will remain proprietary. Due to their secure and trackable qualities, user owned blockchain credentials, NFTs, and other virtual items will likely assume a major role in these experiences, and their ability to move between environments will impact appeal.

We believe that solving the issues of interoperability will be key to the long term development and success of the Metaverse along with other factors, including but not limited to technology, and increased utility of NFTs will determine whether we have massive, continuous experiences, or disjunct ones as observed with proprietary online gaming.

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